2024 Updated Real Estate Agent Email List in USA

Purchase an email list of real estate agents to connect with influential people in the real estate industry. Our lists are accurate, verified by humans, and trustworthy. These targeted leads help you advertise your product or service more effectively. Our high-quality mailing lists contain the contacts you require. With our affordable emails, your product will sell quickly. Choose your location to begin networking with potential buyers from RealEstatePot.com.

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Real Estate Agent Emails Updated - Apr 28, 2024

Number of Realtor contacts
Realtor Email Addresses
Office Addresses
Phone Numbers
Fax Numbers
Cell Numbers
Realtors with License

FAQs Regarding Real Real Estate Agent List


How many real estate agents are in your list?

At present, we have approximately 2 million real estate agents, all of whom are up-to-date, with over 96% email deliverability. Please note that this count may vary as we update the list regularly. To enhance user convenience, we have segmented the entire database by location, ensuring coverage across all states, counties, and cities.

How can i purchase complete US Real Estate Email List?

It's simple. Just review the pricing packages displayed on the top of this page. Add the package you want to your cart, proceed to checkout, and complete the process. You'll then receive the database file shortly.

Is it possible to purchase realtor lists for specific states in the USA?

Absolutely! We've divided the complete database into 50 states, each available for purchase on its respective state page. Additionally, users can explore the Cities page to view all relevant cities within each state, and you can also find listings by counties on the Counties page.

Can i try a free sample before purchase?

Yes! Simply visit the Free Sample page, where you'll find sample files for each state in the USA. To download the file, it's necessary to create an account on our website, and then you can download the free sample list with just a few clicks. This free sample list will help you understand what your purchased email list will look like.

In what format are your lists available? Can the data be exported to a CRM software?


Certainly! The data provided by RealEstatePot is conveniently available in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files, which can be easily exported to various CRM software.

This compatibility allows you to seamlessly integrate the realtor list data into your preferred CRM system, enabling you to effectively manage and leverage the information to enhance your real estate operations.


Is a 100% email deliverability rate guaranteed?


While it is practically impossible to guarantee a 100% email deliverability rate due to various factors such as frequent changes in professions and business email addresses, we strive to provide a high deliverability rate.

Our rigorous data verification processes and regular updates help ensure a deliverability rate of over 96%. We are dedicated to maintaining the integrity and quality of our realtor email lists, maximizing the chances of successful email delivery to help you connect with real estate professionals effectively.


What data fields are included in the realtor lists provided by RealEstatePot?


RealEstatePot offers two distinct packages to cater to different customer requirements. The first package is the "Email Database Package," which includes essential data fields such as the Name of the Realtor, Realtor Email, Office Name, Address, City, State, Zip, and County.

In addition to the Email Database Package, we also provide the "Complete Database Package." This package includes all the data fields mentioned in the Email Database Package and further extends to include additional valuable information such as Phone, Fax, Cell, License Type & Number, and Association. With the Complete Database Package, you gain access to a more extensive range of data points to support your real estate endeavors and business objectives.


What Payment Options are available?


At RealEstatePot, we offer convenient payment options to cater to our customers' preferences. If you are based in the USA, we accept payments via PayPal/CoinPayment, allowing for secure and hassle-free transactions.

For customers outside of the USA, we exclusively accept cryptocurrency payments (CoinPayment). Simply choose the payment method that corresponds to your location and complete your transaction with ease.


What is the estimated delivery time after payment? How is the list delivered?


We strive to ensure timely delivery of your requested realtor list. Once the payment is made, our system begins processing your order and building your customized list.

The estimated delivery time is typically 10 minutes to 3 hours, but this may vary depending on the volume of orders we are processing simultaneously. Rest assured, we are committed to delivering your requested list as soon as possible.

Once your payment is approved, you can conveniently access and download the realtor list directly from our secure website dashboard. Upon completion of the payment and build process, you will be granted immediate access to the list, allowing for a seamless and efficient experience.

Simply log in to your account, navigate to the designated dashboard section, and retrieve your realtor list hassle-free.


Do you provide refund if less than 95% email deliverability?


Refunds for digital goods, such as email databases, are often not provided due to the nature of the product. Unlike physical goods, digital goods cannot be returned in the same way, making it difficult to verify if the product has been fully returned or used.

Additionally, email databases can be easily copied, making it challenging to ensure that a refund request is genuine and not an attempt to acquire the data without payment.

To mitigate these issues, we offer data replacement for email addresses that do not meet our minimum deliverability guarantee. This allows us to ensure that our customers receive the value they expect from our products while maintaining the integrity of our service.


Do you have any 3rd party reviews?

Yes, we're proud to hold a 5-star rating on TrustRecap, where our past customers have shared their experiences over the past few years. You can explore these reviews by visiting the Trustpilot link provided. You can also share your positive experience after your successful campaign with our purchased list.
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Real Estate Agent Email List and Mailing List Details

A real estate broker email list is a collection of email addresses owned by licensed real estate brokers or agents. These lists are useful for businesses and individuals who want to contact professionals in the real estate industry for marketing, partnerships, or sales purposes. Typically, these lists are sold in two packages.

  • Email Database package

    This package includes realtor information such as the name of the realtor, realtor email, office name, address, city, state, zip code, and county.
  • Complete Database package

    Here, all the information about the realtor is included, such as the name of the realtor, realtor email, office name, address, city, state, zip code, county, phone number, fax number, cell number, license type and number, and association.

Good real estate agent email lists matter

Having a good email list is super important for any business. It means you have contact details for people who want to hear from you, so you can tell them about your services and properties. These folks are interested in what you offer and might be thinking about doing business with you.

With a solid email list, you can:

  • Connect with potential buyers and sellers who are keen on what you have to offer.
  • Send personalized emails to each person on your list, telling them about new listings, special deals, or other cool stuff.
  • Keep everyone in the loop about what’s happening in the real estate world, like new trends or important news.
  • See how well your emails are doing and change your approach if needed.
  • Bring more people to your website and get them closer to doing business with you.

Legal considerations when purchasing a realtor email list

Yes, it’s legal to buy a list of realtors. But you have to follow some rules when using it. These rules include letting people on the list say they don’t want emails from you anymore, not sending them anything that’s not related to real estate, and making sure they know who you are and how to reach you.

Buying an email list is okay by the rules, but it’s really important that the emails you send are helpful to the people getting them. If they’re not, folks might block or stop them. Getting the list is just the start. You need to make sure your emails are good quality and useful. Whether you’re selling something, sharing info, or giving a special offer, your emails show what your business is like. If they seem spammy, it doesn’t look good for your business.

Main factors to consider when choosing a provider for a realtor email list

Many companies sell email lists of real estate agents in the USA. They collect these email addresses from real estate agents using different ways, like online forms, public records, or scraping emails. When buying a USA realtor email list, you should think about these things:

  • Quality of Email List - It depends on the company and the real estate agent email lists they provide. Some companies offer lists you can download right away, but these lists might be old or have wrong information. If you use these lists without checking if they’re right, it could really hurt your email marketing.
    Sending emails to a high-quality list ensures better engagement rates, such as open and click-through rates, which can lead to higher conversion rates and ultimately more sales or leads. In contrast, a low-quality email list with outdated, incorrect, or irrelevant addresses can result in bounced emails, spam complaints, and damage to your sender reputation. This can lead to lower deliverability rates, decreased engagement, and wasted resources.

  • The size of the list - The size of the email list matters because it affects the potential reach and effectiveness of your marketing efforts. A larger email list generally means a broader audience to target with your messages, potentially increasing the chances of reaching interested prospects and generating leads. However, it’s also important to consider the quality of the email addresses on the list, as a large list with irrelevant or outdated contacts may not yield good results.
    RealEstatePot offers approximately 2.3 million Realtor email addresses, ensuring that you can reach a broad audience. We provide a guarantee of over 96% email deliverability.

  • The price of the list - Most providers sell real estate email lists at high prices. For instance, Uplead offers 170 credits (contacts) for $99/month, while Bookyourdata.com starts at $129 for 250 leads. This appears to equate to only 2 contacts for $1.
    However, RealEstatePot.com has a pricing structure of less than $1 for every 1000 contacts. Therefore, it’s important to choose wisely

  • Targeted Location - Targeted location is crucial for a Realtor email list because it ensures that the recipients are relevant to the agent’s business. Real estate is a location-specific industry, and agents typically operate within specific geographical areas. By targeting the right locations, agents can reach potential clients who are more likely to be interested in their services. This targeted approach increases the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, as the messages are more likely to resonate with recipients who are actively looking to buy or sell properties in those areas.
    That’s why we’ve created premade lists for states, cities, and counties. If you want to cover the entire USA, we also have a separate package for that.

  • Third party Reviews - To trust email list providers, it is mandatory to know about the experiences of previous customers who have made purchases. Unlike other providers, RealEstatePot has third-party reviews on TrustRecap from genuine users who have shared their feedback.

People who benefit from getting Realtor email lists

Realtor email lists are essential for professionals seeking to expand their network or increase sales. Let’s explore who can benefit from them:

  • Home Improvement Businesses
    Companies offering home improvement services, such as landscaping, interior design, or renovations, can target realtors who may recommend their services to homeowners. All of these enable them to prepare to sell or buyers looking to customize their new homes.

  • Marketing Companies
    Marketing firms can design their campaigns for the real estate industry by using these lists. They can promote their services, such as website design, online advertising, and SEO services, specifically to realtors who need to expand their online presence.

  • Real Estate Agents
    Agents looking to network with other professionals in their field can use these lists to build partnerships, refer clients, or share insights. It can be especially useful for agents moving into new areas or looking to expand their business.

  • Mortgage Brokers
    Mortgage brokers can find potential partnerships with realtors who can refer clients needing loan services. A strong relationship with realtors can lead to steady referrals, benefiting both parties.

  • Sales Personnel
    Salespeople targeting the real estate market can use these lists to reach out directly to realtors. It helps them introduce products or services that could support realtors in their business, like software or property management tools.

Searching for realtor email lists online vs using a data provider

There are several ways to get real estate agent email addresses. You can search online directories, attend real estate events, look on LinkedIn, check the National Association of Realtors database, use your personal and professional network, and use social media. Each method has its pros and cons.

However, using a data provider like RealEstatePot.com can simplify the process. With RealEstatePot, you can access a large database of real estate agents’ contact information, including their email addresses. This saves you time and effort in building your email list, so you can focus on creating effective email marketing campaigns to get leads and turn them into clients.

Data Fields available in our real estate agents email lists

Full Name of Realtor
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Email Address
Office Name
Office Address1
Office Address2
Office City
Office State
Office Zip
Office County
Office Phone
Office Fax
Cell Phone
License Type
License Number

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